Pa ẹnu rẹ mọ́

Pa ẹnu rẹ mọ́
You must have heard about the man who begged by the roadside
Who could not see but heard what made faith rise on his inside,
Ah ahn people passing by, the thudding of feet
His heart had two choices to be still or to rapidly beat
The chattering sounds and echoes
Ah, the very one he had been hearing about & yearning for was on his way out of Jericho
‘Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me!’
This desperate cry was the blind man’s plea
Many voices restricted him strongly to make him shush
But his desire was stronger, he gave it another push
‘Thou son of David, have mercy on me!
Keep Quiet Blind Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus
Are you too blind to see that JESUS has an assignment more serious?
Oh Lord please may I not be mentioned among those who made someone’s desire
To get in touch with the Messiah, expire.
No nau, keeping quiet will let this miraculous moment pass by
Why keep quiet when I know if I call He will hear my cry
He had no sight but had faith that he could see
Only with the touch of Him by whom all things came to be
Should he just be a hearer of such goodness and not partake of it?
Should he just be a witness of others and not a living testimony?
Tell me, he had begged for money unashamedly, now he was a distance away from salvation should he keep shut?
“Thou son of David have mercy on me!
He cried, not to man but to the One who would set him free!
Indeed Jesus healed him and he could see
So who can stop you if not you?
While seated there, why the gloom?
Because men shut you out, are they the bridegroom?
Would you shut up or increase your volume?
Or you will say ‘THEY NEVER ALLOWED ME’ Let me just sit back perhaps JESUS WILL PASS ANOTHER DAY
Today we have many Bartimaeus of different forms
Imperfections reaching out to the perfect for a touch
Emptiness calling unto fullness for an infilling
Weak men running into Adullam cave to become
And many voices watering down their passions ‘THIS YOUR OWN TOO MUCH’
But would you allow him to pass you by or you would seek him the more?
Would you still call on Him or pa enu re mo?

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